
To install Rony we need to have protoc compiler installed in our system. With a quick search we can find good resources. Some useful references provided here:

We also need to install protoc golang plugin from here

Install Rony

To install Rony just run: GO111MODULE=on go get -u or in Go 1.16 and above use: go install

Rony has its own protoc plugin which is required to generate codes based on your proto files. Make sure /cmd/protoc-gen-gorony is installed on your path. Usually go install takes care of this.

First Project

To crate your first project, we need to use rony executable which is installed in previous section. We could find out about the flags by calling rony -h. To create our new project skeleton run :

mkdir sample-project
cd ./sample-project
rony create-project sample-project

There are some examples in ./example directory.